
Segment your data by
everything and anything

Your first 30 days are free - no credit card required.
Your first 30 days are free - no credit card required.
An example digest sent by email
Segment everything

Everything can be segmented
instantly and easily

Segment your orders, customers, products, coupons, and even subscriptions. And stack as many filters together to find exactly what you're looking for.

Custom fields

You can even segment by the custom meta fields added by other plugins or custom code.

Everything can be segmented instantly and easily
Saved segments

Only do the work once
with saved segments

Once you're done creating a segment, you may want to save it for later use or to share with a team member. Metorik makes it simple to do just that, with our saved segments feature.

Every saved segment has a URL you can share with team members, so you're all on the same page.

Only do the work once with saved segments
Suggested segments

Not sure where to start?
Suggested segments will help

Segmenting can be intimidating at first, especially when there are countless filters to choose from.

Out of the box, Metorik includes a collection of suggested segments that are tailored just for your store, along with a page that gives you the stats for every segment in one place.

Not sure where to start? Suggested segments will help
New Reports Segmenting

Unparalleled report filtering
using our segmenting system

Metorik's reports leverage the segmenting system to allow you to filter them by anything. And as a bonus, you can apply any saved segment you have already created.

Unparalleled report filtering using our segmenting system
Next steps

Create a segment and use it
in exports, dashboards, reports, and emails

Once you're done segmenting, it's up to you how you use that data. Want to export the segment automatically? Simple. Interested in building a custom dashboard that includes the custom segment? Easy.

Or how about sending automated emails to the segment? It's a breeze with Metorik Engage.

Create a segment and use it in exports, dashboards, reports, and emails

Segmenting Guides

See how you can get the most of Metorik with our guides.

Start segmenting your data today

We're so sure you'll love Metorik that you can start right now, for free, without a credit card - and use the entire product for 30 days.

Let's break it down

Check out all of Metorik's Features

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